Monday, 25 February 2013

Home at last ....

My tentative trip in to the concrete jungle.

        Last week I went away on a business trip to Birmingham for a trade show at the NEC. On the Saturday I had a tentative trip into the city centre to do a wee bit of shopping.  I will be honest I was well outside my comfort zone. At one stage I was growled at by a young lady with vivid pink hair, bumped, pushed, splattered with milk shake and generally disorientated.
        On the positive side I visited a really interesting shop -

                                           I had a MacDonald's and I visited a street market whose shouts and smells transported me back to my childhood shopping with my Nana down Doggy Market in Middlesbrough in the late 1960's early 1970's.

Doggy Market in the 1950's

So I confess I spent the rest of the trip either in my room, the bar or over in the NEC. That sounds terrible me in the bar, but it's where I had my meals and the steak was outta this world.  I usually go to the Show with my Mam and I really missed her this year. But it's a very full on 3 days and and this year she was having a rest.

View from my bedroom window at the Hilton.

A good time with the Shetland Needle Workers.

 As always things were a bit mad once I got back to my beloved Shetland after the show and just at the moment I am struggling with my memory again which isn't helping, so it was really nice to go to a class on Saturday. I'm not sure what the class was called but it was all about doing an ideas book for inspiration and experimentation.I really enjoyed the banter and the laughter. The other ladies produced some wonderful work but having missed the initial talk I felt abit outta me depth but the crack was good.

Frances seemed in her element.
This is the start of her under-water theme

My boys are growing up.

The boys made their first tentative steps out side, but they were to scared to go any further.
Ginger heading out through the study window for his first trip.

Sunday lunch.

Yesterday, as we only had two bairns at home, we decided to give Sunday dinner a miss and instead packed a flask, headed out into town, bought fish and chips and drove up to the Knab in Lerwick where we had a picnic in the car before going for a walk and watching the sunset. It was lovely to watch the fulmas on the cliffs and hear their chitter chatter.

Two very happy little girls.

Sunset over Lerwick.
I haven't got much sewing or blogging done this week so I'm hoping to get back on track over the next week. Thank you for calling by. I hope you have had a good productive week.


  1. There's nowhere quite like home!

    1. This is very true and ruby slippers would be right up my street.

  2. You do know I am less than an hours drive from the NEC. Just saying for next time of you are on your own and want some company.

    1. Sarah did say but I was a bit shy. I'll be down same time next year if you fancy meeting up ?

  3. Sunday dinner sounded good... am looking forward to my mans return and his usual "I'm home, where's my chips"!
